義塾の特性を活かした英語教育を目指して 【国際理解教育】
- 1. 国際化に対応する英語教育、受験のための英語指導を重点的に取り入れる義塾独自の英語教育を目指します。
- 2. 英語の苦手な塾生に対しても英語力向上の基礎学習を徹底します。
- 3. 英語に興味と関心を向けさせ、他教科にも波及するように学力向上を目指します。
- 4. 充実した英語学習をするため、英語科教師を各学年に配置しています。
- 1年次
- 外国人教師による少人数制チームティーチングを通して国際感覚を養います。また、ニュージーランドホームステイの奨励もします。朝の英単テストの実施、英検全員受験と全員の3級合格を目指します。
- 2年次
- ホームステイ型修学旅行などによる国際交流を行います。朝の英単テストの実施、英検全員受験での凖2級合格が目標です。
- 3年次
- 受験英語の重要性を再認識させます。同時に異文化理解をさらに推し進め、グローバル化が進む環境のもとで、さまざまな人との交流や国際貢献・支援の場で活躍しようとする心を育みます。
From the beautiful tropical island of Jamaica, Marvin and Candice Johnson Rowe aim to rise above the ordinary by developing and transforming the lives of Toogijuku High School students in the area of English, specifically Oral Communications. Inspired by our faith in Jesus Christ we aim for each student to reach their full potential in their use of the English Language.
Toogijuku High School provides an environment in which each student is cared for spiritually, morally, intellectually, socially and emotionally. They prepare the students to contribute positively to their society and the wider world in which English is apart. We are happy to be a part of this team.
Aims: In conjunction with other Japanese English teachers, we strive to encourage each child in all aspects of learning by:
- Teaching students the importance of knowing and using English in today’s fast growing world.
・Exposing students to occasional visits by foreigners who interact with them.
・Experience different culture by having home-stays.
・Exposing students to English Camps during their vacations…..etc.
- Promoting logical and creative thinking, while encouraging independence and confidence.
・Students are taught how to voice the own opinions via Debates.
・Students are taught to write and make speeches in the presence of an audience.
- Providing a balanced curriculum and ensuring a smooth progression through the key stage.
・English Club activities, such as games, parties and other activities in English help students to understand use what they have been taught.
・Students are given open invitations to weekly English Church services and fellowships.
- Catering for all levels and abilities of students while facilitating team work.
・Students are taught English using the simplest methods
・Students are given sufficient assignments to keep them focused and challenged.
These are just a few of the many ways in which we facilitate the students in acquiring their dreams and mastering their use of English.